Our Services

We are a team of board certified professionals with a variety of educational and training backgrounds and 30 years of combined experience in order to address your needs with a personalized human touch. We provide evidence-based brain training with the latest state of the art technology. qEEG (brain mapping), psychophysiological stress profile, neurocognitive testing, neurofeedback, biofeedback and neurostimulation are part of our treatment modalities. Our assessments and interventions are individualized and personalized to provide with the best healing experience possible.

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 EEG Brain Mapping

We use specialized equipment to look at the electrical activity of your brain (brain waves), which we then convert into 3D images (pictures). This helps us understand and explain to you why you may be feeling, thinking or acting in a certain way.

Your brain waves will provide us with very useful information that will allow us to see the areas of your brain that are working well and we can further optimize, as well as the areas of your brain that are not functioning optimally and we need to train. This will allow us to customize and personalize the intervention based on your brain activity and specific needs.  To learn more about how brain mapping works you watch this video.


Biofeedback allows us to monitor and train important physiological (body) functions such as your breathing, heart rate, muscle tension and temperature. By observing and understanding these functions we can design interventions that can help you successfully manage your stress, anxiety, sleep and other variables that are affecting your everyday life.

To learn more about how biofeedback works you can watch this video.



Using the information we obtain from your brain map we can train specific areas of your brain so you can efficiently manage your, stress, anxiety, headaches, sleep, and other aspects that hinder your well-being. With neurofeedback, you can also enhance your learning, attention, memory, creativity, performance (academic, corporate, athletic, artistic), and other abilities that can take you to the next level.

To learn more about how neurofeedback works you can watch this video.

Stimulation Technologies

AVE, CES, TDCS, Photobiomodulation

·    Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE)

·    Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES)

·    Transcranial DC Stimulation (tDCS) 

·    Photobiomodulation

Stimulation technologies utilize state of the art technology that gently and safely guide the brain into various brain wave patterns. It helps stimulate endorphins, serotonin, and norepinephrine to sharpen your mind, increase your level of relaxation boost your mood and improve sleep patterns.

CAUTION: tDCS is very powerful and if applied incorrectly, can result in negative side effects. Therefore, the sessions for tDCS will only be used in our offices by qualified and trained professionals in tDCS use and practice.


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